This week's tip
Talane’s Classic Tip for the Week, May 29, 2009
Be An Instant Billionaire
Every now and again it is a good idea to play the Billionaire Game. Ask yourself "if I had a billion dollars, what would I do?" Take out a pen and paper right now and make a list of at least 100 things you would want to do, be or have. Write down every wish, desire, fantasy, dream, and hope that you can possibly think of. Most people pick up their pads and start writing and pretty soon they get stuck and can't even come up with 100 things. Push yourself past your limit and invent some more.
Now that you have your list, go through it. How many things on this list do you really want? One client spent a summer driving a Mercedes and realized he was much happier driving his old Honda because he never had to worry about it. Do the same for the activities. Do you really want to be a famous opera singer? Or, given the time and training it would require, are you perfectly content to sing in the shower?
From this list, pick the top ten items that you really want to do, have or be in this lifetime. If you were on your deathbed looking back, what would be the things you would regret not having done? By the way, I've never yet heard of anyone on his deathbed saying he wished he had bought that Rolex watch. Usually we regret not doing things or not saying things or missing out on a great experience in life. Make sure every remaining item is aligned with your values. I don't mean moral values, but what is really important to you. Now that you know what you really want, pick one lifetime goal and get started on that today.
Take a few minutes to play the Billionaire Game. Make your list just for fun. Pick your top ten and see what you end up attracting.
Excerpted from Coach Yourself to Success by Talane MiedanerCopyright © 2000 McGraw Hill