Friday, 22 January 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 

I remember thinking that 2010 sounded so futuristic and imagined we'd all be running about in space suits and beaming ourselves up to wherever we wanted to go. We haven't advanced that much in the last ten years, but we have achieved something remarkable--we can communicate instantaneously for free to people all over the world via the internet. Now that is something. And it has been changing the nature of business and increasing the rate of change as ideas circulate quickly. It has never been easier to share your ideas. If you've got a story to share or wisdom to impart, set up a blog and get going.

If you haven't had a chance to do your list of accomplishments for 2009, I'd strongly recommend you do that before you go sailing off into the new year with your new goals in hand. Take a few moments to take stock of what you've already accomplished and what you are grateful for in your life. Then make that wish list for 2010. This is such an important exercise that I urge you to do this tonight if you haven't done it already. Every year I am amazed at how much of my wish list I actually get.  This time last year my husband and I had our house on the market because we didn't think we'd weather the recession--we are both coaches and a luxury item on most ledgers. Now we've taken the house off the market because we came up with the ingenious solution of selling part of the land instead. So there you go. We were sitting on a small gold mine of sorts and didn't even realize it until the recession forced us to think more creatively. And because so many people can't afford private coaching, I've come up with a plan to offer online coaching at a very affordable price (coming this January!)

As for New Year's resolutions-- forget about "lose weight and get in shape" and instead pick a goal that really excites you. Life is way to short to do something that doesn't thrill you.


P.S. This month I will be releasing a brand new online life coaching program based on my book, Coach  Yourself to Success, to help you reach your goals effortlessly (and very affordably!) Stay tuned!

P.P.S. Important notice! In the last year the lifecoach name was used to send out spam. I apologize profusely if you were the victim of these horrible attacks. This year, in an effort to prevent spam, we are upgrading to a protected emailing list account that requires that you opt-in to receive emails. In the next day or two you will receive a separate email from me with the subject line: Please confirm your subscription to Talane's Tips and Newsletters. In that email will be a link you can click to continue your subscription. I apologize for this inconvenience, but it seems to be the only way to protect from spam. Thanks for your cooperation! Talane

Copyright © 2009 by Talane LLC. All rights reserved.

Free Life Coaching Email Tips

If you are not already signed up for the weekly tip and you’d like to receive the free email coaching every week, sign up for the free coaching tips. These mini coaching tips are based on Talane’s international best-selling book, Coach Yourself to Success. I know that it is easy to get off track or to read a book and then forget about actually doing the exercises. Most people find that receiving one tip a week serves as a gentle and fun reminder to stay focused on their goals and dreams. Take advantage of this great free life coaching service and sign up today!’s Guarantee - we will not inundate you with email and we will not sell or distribute your email address to third parties. You have the ability to add or remove yourself from the mailing list at any time. 

Talane’s newest book is very popular…
The Secret Laws of Attraction: 
The Effortless Way to Get the Relationship You Want by Talane Miedaner, bestselling author
Use the laws of attraction to effortlessly attain your heart's desire.
"If yo
u don't need it, you are more likely to attract it."
 If our emotional needs are unmet, we repel what we most desire. When we've fulfilled our deepest needs--such as the need to be cherished, the need to be heard, and the need for harmony--we are naturally more attractive to our current or potential mate.

"Like Attracts Like"
When we are fully living our core values, we effortlessly attract others who share our values.

It sounds simple. The trick is learning how to apply these laws in your everyday life--and international bestselling author and noted life coach Talane Miedaner shows you how. This easy-to-follow guide provides a comprehensive quiz to help you identify your top four emotional needs and includes step-by-step instructions for meeting those needs. Once you start embracing your passion and living your dreams, you instantly become more attractive to others. It's truly the "effortless" way to attract whatever you most desire.

And it works like magic to rekindle the passion, love and intimacy in existing relationships!
To order, visit or visit your favorite online bookseller.
McGraw-Hill, July 2008; Paperback; 240 pages

101 great tips can be found in the book Coach Yourself to Success by Talane Miedaner.
Copyright © 2000 McGraw Hill
Also, exclusively from Talane Coaching Company – the Coach Yourself to Success Workbook, filled with tips, ideas and work pages. To order,

Archives of Talane’s recent tips and newsletters can be found by going to and clicking on “Free Stuff”.

Your comments, suggestions and feedback are always welcome. Feel free to share this tip with friends, just keep the copyright and credits intact. Thanks!

Talane's Attraction Tip of the Week
Faye Morgan, Editor
Talane Coaching Company
1-888-4-TALANE (1-888-482-5263) or 407-628-2909