Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Perfect the Present

Talane's Tip for the Week of June 7, 2010

Inside this issue…

  • Talane’s Tip for the Week Perfect the Present 
  • Talane's newest book, Coach Yourself to a New Career getting great reviews
  • The new Coach Yourself to Success Online Program - Only $1 for the first 30 days

Talane’s Coaching Tip for the Week, June 7, 2010    
Perfect the Present
Dissatisfied with something in your life? Whether it is the feeling that your financial life is out of control, bogged down by too much clutter piling, irritation with a boss, colleague or spouse, or just feeling there is too much to do and too little time, there is a solution.
Take one area that is bothering you and perfect it. If it is your work, spend some time tossing out old files and clearing off your desk. Imagine that you will be moving to a new job soon and need to clean out your desk and get all your projects completed before you go. Handle any problems you are having with bosses or colleagues now so that you start your new job without burning any bridges and with great communication skills in place. If you don't know how to handle a difficult situation, seek advice from a mentor or work with a life coach to improve your communication skills.

If it is your home that is frustrating you, start with one room and make that perfect. One client started with the bathroom as it was the smallest room in the house. She changed the fluorescent light to a softer and more flattering bulb and threw out her old towels and bought new fluffy ones in a favorite color with a matching bath mat. Once one room is perfect then, you can start another. No need to race, just enjoy the process.

Take one small action today that will bring you one step closer to perfection in the area that is bothering you the most. If it is financial, then take a moment to clean out your wallet and organize your bills. You'll immediately start to feel a sense of control over your finances. Clutter getting to you? Then pick one small area and make it perfect – the kitchen junk drawer, a book case, the spices, etc.

Strangely enough, the sooner you perfect a situation, the sooner you'll be out of it.

It is also about learning to see the perfection in the imperfect. When I was taking pottery classes in New York City, the teacher said that there is no point in making a perfect bowl. The beauty and charm of a hand thrown bowl is its imperfection. He said, “If you want a perfect bowl, go to Pottery Barn and get one!” Ask yourself, “What is perfect about this situation?” Is there something you need to learn to do or handle?



Talane Miedaner, MCC
Author of the international best seller, Coach Yourself to Success (McGraw-Hill, Jan 2000) and The Secret Laws of Attraction
Get free coaching tips at 
Copyright © 2010 by Talane LLC. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Vision Board Online!

Talane’s Coaching Tip for the Week, May 17, 2010    
Vision Board Online

Hi all!

One of my clients has just showed me this super cool online tool In my latest book, Coach Yourself to a New Career, one powerful tip is about creating a Life Map or a Vision Board. The low tech simple way to do this is to get a cork or bulletin board and some push pins and index cards and post up images or index cards with your goals written on them. I do this myself and have a bulletin board just for my goals and wishes in view on the wall behind my computer. Now you can do the same thing online and access it anywhere you go! I love it and have made it my homepage so I see it every time I turn on my computer. You can use it for all sorts of things--writing a to do list, managing a project, posting your goals, wishes. And best of all, it is free!


Talane Miedaner, MCC
Author of the international best seller, Coach Yourself to Success (McGraw-Hill, Jan 2000) and The Secret Laws of Attraction
Get free coaching tips at 
Copyright © 2010 by Talane LLC. All rights reserved.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Talane's Coaching Tip of the Week : Becoming Rich.

Talane’s Coaching Tip for the Week, May 24, 2010    
Becoming Rich
I've just finished reading one of Robert Kiyosaki's books, Retire Young, Retire Rich and thought I'd share a few bits that inspired me and seemed very appropriate given the current difficult and challenging economic times. He points out that ,“It has never been easier to become rich beyond your wildest dreams for less effort and less start-up capital.” This is primarily thanks to the low start up costs of an internet-based business. For those of you who are unemployed and struggling to find work, this may get you thinking in a different direction: “The trouble with selling your labor for money is that there is only so much you can do. If you learn to acquire or build assets to generate money, you can slowly but surely increase your income.” (FYI, assets are anything that puts money into your pocket as opposed to liabilities which take money out of your pocket. Your house, unless you have tenants paying rent, is a liability according to Kiyosaki, not an asset as most accountants might say, because your home takes money out of your pocket every month. This is a very different way of thinking – the way the rich think.)
In my own experience this has been true. When I was working at Chase Bank I worked very hard and was always disappointed with the paltry pay raise of 3% or 5% at the end of the year (I was obviously in the wrong department given the massive bonuses bankers get these days!) And this was supposed to make me feel like a valued employee? I was always limited in what I could earn regardless of how much value I added to the bank's bottom line. Now that I own my own business, there is no limit to my potential income. I can create product after product and over the years have developed a stream of passive income generated from royalties and product sales. Gradually my own business has evolved to the place where it is now making more passive income than active income (from actively coaching clients one-on-one). And in about one year we should be able to live on the passive income. If we downsized immediately, we could live on the passive income now. I don't say this to brag as I am certainly not an overnight success. I've been building my coaching company and creating assets (writing books, creating audio programs, etc.) for 14 years slowly and steadily. I'll be 45 when I am financially free next year. So it isn't a get rich quick scheme and I have a rich, but not lavish lifestyle. I started on the path to financial freedom when I was 29 years old and left the bank. But I am a whole lot better off than I would be if I had kept on working at the bank. And most important, I'm much happier!

So if you are unemployed or not happy in your job, now is the time to think about other options. Start that business that you've always dreamed of or get training in a completely different field that is better suited to your natural talents.



P.S. If you lack clarity about what to do or need a bit of direction, then pick up a copy of my most recent book, Coach Yourself to a New Career: 7 Steps for Reinventing Your Professional Life, which has inspiring stories of people who have quit their jobs and started their own businesses or taken their careers to a new level. It is also full of helpful exercises to help you design your ideal life and the ideal career profile.   To order, visit or visit your favorite online bookseller.

Talane Miedaner, MCC
Author of the international best seller, Coach Yourself to Success (McGraw-Hill, Jan 2000) and The Secret Laws of Attraction
Get free coaching tips at 
Copyright © 2010 by Talane LLC. All rights reserved.