Discover Your Unique Talent
We all have some special talent, skill, or gift – something
we do or some way we see things that is different or better
than anyone else. Very often what comes naturally to you is
so much a part of you that you don't even notice it. People
tend to think that if it is easy for them, then it is easy
for everyone else too. This just isn't so. You might think
if it is this easy or fun, then you shouldn't get paid for
it. We like to think that work is hard - that if we don't
sweat and struggle, we don't deserve to get paid for it.
Again, this just isn't so. In fact, it is more often the
opposite: the people who make the most money love what they
do and have some natural ability for it that they have
honed and developed.
If you can't figure out what your special talent is,
interview your friends, family, and colleagues. They will
tell you. It is really this easy. Here are some questions
you can ask: What do you think is my greatest strength?
What is my biggest weakness? (Ask this only if you feel up
to it, and ask them to tell you in a constructive way. Do
not comment on anything they say. You are simply gathering
opinions.) What do you see as my special talent or gift?
What do I do naturally and effortlessly that is special? If
I were on the cover of a magazine, what magazine would it
be and what would the story be about? When am I most fully
expressing this gift or talent?
The next step is to begin to honor your gift. By that I
mean that you fully express it, share it with others, do
it, be it, live it. Just start. Do one thing that will
allow you to fully express your unique gift. Then see how
you can incorporate that into your life today, and the
universe will pull you in that direction. Remember, your
own special skill comes so easily and naturally that you
probably take it for granted.
All the best,
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