Monday, 17 August 2009

The Power of a Clean Desk

The Power of a Clean Desk

The other day I was feeling a bit stuck and overwhelmed. I took a look at my desk, heaped with papers and all sorts and decided to spend an entire day taking care of everything on my desk and inbox. Down to zero was the objective!

The trick to doing this is to pick up the first piece of paper and handle it completely. I have to resist my natural tendency to sift through the pile and pick out the ones that look like fun, are interesting, or easy to do and be rigorous about it. Otherwise I just end up shuffling paper from one place to another.

This is not the time to pick up a big project and work on it. Those go into a project file or folder. This is the time to clear up all those sticky notes and bits of paper and get everything organized and filed. Pay the bills, send out that thank you note. Handle any loose ends.

At the end of the day, I felt amazingly liberated. I no longer felt a sense of dread just looking at my desk, in fact, my head felt clear and I felt inspired to write. I actually was eager to start working on the next book. Wow! The power of a clean desk. Well worth the investment of time.

If you are feeling bogged down or stuck, look at your diary, find a clear day and reserve it for a clean up day. You’ll be amazed at the newfound energy!

All the best,


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