Thursday, 10 December 2009

Tip of the Week : Clear the Clutter

Talane’s Coaching Tip for the Week, December 8, 2009
Clear the Clutter

Many thanks to all of you who so kindly completed the Life Coaching Survey! It has been very helpful and I was amazed to discover that many of you have been following my tips for years! I'm deeply flattered and will no longer use my “Classic Tips” to tide over my summer holidays.

Then I had a big laugh when I discovered that clearing clutter was one of the most popular areas of interest–"like" truly does "attract like". I'm a died-in-the-wool packrat and tend to keep things rather than toss them with the result that I must constantly edit my own life. In fact, before I could write this tip with any sort of integrity, I spent a good hour tidying up my office! And that, in fact, is a useful tip. People who have tidy spaces do spend time tidying them. I always seem to find something more exciting or interesting to do!

If I could shed any light on the subject it would be this: our brains really are hard-wired to be one way or the other–either a packrat with the natural tendency to save stuff or a minimalist with the natural tendency to discard stuff. (We can even test for this on a computerized assessment!) If you are struggling with clutter it is because you are wired that way. It is unlikely that you'll every find it easy to get rid of stuff. Consequently, the fastest and easiest way to get rid of the clutter is to find someone who is naturally wired to discard stuff to come over to your home and/or office and help you. Your natural tendency will be to shift things around, not toss. Ask a tidy/organized friend to come over and help you eliminate the excess. Most people who are tidy love to clear out messes and can do it in a fraction of the time that you can. So why not let them have a go? If you don't have any friends or neighbors of this stripe, then you can hire a professional organizer. Or even hire a neighborhood kid to come over and help you out. The worst strategy is to do it alone as you are likely to get bogged down quickly.

That being said, if you want to give it a go yourself, start with one small pocket of clutter. Decide to clear out one dresser drawer or the kitchen junk drawer. Don't go crazy and tear through the whole house or you may end up completely overwhelmed. This week just pick one small area to declutter and enjoy the process!



P.S. Clearing clutter is a great way to make room for the new and what a great time to do this at year end! Stay tuned for more tips next week!

Copyright © 2009 by Talane LLC. All rights reserved.

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