Monday, 5 July 2010

Get On the Path to Financial Freedom!

Talane’s Coaching Tip for the Week, June 28, 2010    
Get On the Path to Financial Freedom
My mom once told me that she deliberated whether to buy a nicer cut of meat for dinner or scouring
pads as she didn't have money to do both with three small children and an income of about $12,000
a year. In the end, she bought the nicer cut because she had company – her mother. But after
dinner, her mother asked her where the scouring pads were and my mom thought, ”I can't win.” I'm
very grateful that I don't have to spend time over those sorts of decisions.

Thomas Leonard, a superb coach, once said that you can't be your best if you are under financial
stress. You don't make the best decisions. My husband and I recently sold off a piece of our back
yard for a nice chunk of change. Until this time, we had been operating on the edge financially,
making just enough to get by (admittedly our idea of getting by is rather lavish and includes a
housekeeper, gardener and au pair), but not enough to feel like we were getting ahead. While
I knew that these were the expensive years (two small children, home renovation costs, a big
mortgage, etc.) and that it would get easier over time, that didn't help put my husband at ease when
faced with the monthly bills. Now that we have a decent reserve in place, we are both breathing
a lot easier. It has taken so much pressure off the need to generate money. (We both own our
own businesses and generate the income that we have.) Already, new business opportunities are
appearing. When you don't need it, you are more likely to attract it.

The amazing thing was that this piece of land and the opportunity to develop and sell it has been
right under our noses all the time. We only thought of it when we worried we might lose the house
in the recession and started coming up with ways to save it. This confirms the spiritual saying that
everything you need is right in front of you. It makes me wonder, what else am I not seeing that is
right in front of me? After all, how many years did it take us to put wheels on suitcases? The wheel
has been around since the beginning of history, but we never thought to combine the two until

It is worth getting on the path to financial freedom (having enough money so that you don't have
to work) for the peace of mind it creates if nothing else. Here is a simple way to get started – play
the Financial Independence Game (Tip 29 in Coach Yourself to Success). Write down ten or more
ideas that could take you to financial freedom. Let's start with $250,000 in savings as a number
to start with. If you found a way to earn or save an extra $100 a day for the next ten years you'd
have $250,000 (not counting weekends or interest earned). Don't worry if the ideas you come up
with seem simple or even silly. Some of the most successful ideas are. The woman who wrote the
book, Everything Men Know about Women, takes the prize, in my opinion, for best idea. The book
is completely blank! It has become a best-seller and enabled her to buy a nice house. The point of
the game is to get you thinking about how you could become financially free. And just by starting
the game, even if that means you start by saving $10 a day, you will be on the path. Open a separate
savings account and put in your $10.00 today. Now write ten possible plans/ideas to become
financially free and pick one to work on now. Keep playing until you crack it and reach financial


P.S. For support along the way, join the fun at and try 30 Days of Coaching for

Talane Miedaner, MCC
Author of the international best seller, Coach Yourself to Success (McGraw-Hill, Jan 2000) and The Secret Laws of Attraction
Get free coaching tips at 
Copyright © 2010 by Talane LLC. All rights reserved.

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Eat Less With No Effort

Talane’s Coaching Tip for the Week, June 14, 2010    
Eat Less With No Effort
There is nothing like marriage to teach you about yourself. I grew up eating family-style with my parents and siblings. Mom always made more than enough food and put big bowls on the table and we helped ourselves to whatever we wanted with the one rule that we had to have at least one bite or taste of everything. We also had to clean our plates of whatever we took (not such a good rule and one that I don't use with my own children).
My husband's family eats quite differently. His mother makes exactly one portion for each person and measures everything out and serves up the dinner in the kitchen, pre-loading your plate and setting it on the table ready to eat. There is rarely the opportunity for seconds as there was only one serving in the first place.
I also noticed that my family is on the heavy side (to put it mildly) and my husband's family is pretty skinny. I joked that this has to do with the way we serve food. Well, yesterday I read in the illustrious Waitrose magazine that scientists at Cornell University have proven that this is, in fact, a very effective and relatively painless way to cut your caloric intake by as much as a fifth.
Apparently, if you don't see the food, you are less likely to eat it. A lot less likely. If you only see the food on your plate you natually tend to eat 20% fewer calories than if you have the bowls of food right in front of you. I guess that chance for second helpings is just too tempting to resist!
So there you have it. A quick and easy way to cut the calories without resorting to calorie counting or dieting. So simple!

Talane Miedaner, MCC
Author of the international best seller, Coach Yourself to Success (McGraw-Hill, Jan 2000) and The Secret Laws of Attraction
Get free coaching tips at 
Copyright © 2010 by Talane LLC. All rights reserved.

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Packed with expert advice and helpful examples from her many statistical clients—as well as her own career change process—Miedaner shows how anyone can reinvent their professional life.

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  • Profiles everyday people who achieved career reinvention on their own terms - and what their stories can teach you
  • Shows you how to assess your needs and strengths
  • Helps you decide what tough decisions or sacrifices you may have to make
  • Prepares your spouse or family for transition

Miedaner shares her own story of launching her coaching business—with careful planning, hard work, commitment and faith. She shows how you can follow other’s examples to achieve the professional life you want.

To order, visit or visit your favorite online bookseller.

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The Secret Laws of Attraction: The Effortless Way to Get the Relationship You Want
 by Talane Miedaner, bestselling author
Use the laws of attraction to effortlessly attain your heart's desire.
"If you don't need it, you are more likely to attract it."
 If our emotional needs are unmet, we repel what we most desire. When we've fulfilled our deepest needs--such as the need to be cherished, the need to be heard, and the need for harmony--we are naturally more attractive to our current or potential mate.

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When we are fully living our core values, we effortlessly attract others who share our values.

It sounds simple. The trick is learning how to apply these laws in your everyday life--and international bestselling author and noted life coach Talane Miedaner shows you how. This easy-to-follow guide provides a comprehensive quiz to help you identify your top four emotional needs and includes step-by-step instructions for meeting those needs. Once you start embracing your passion and living your dreams, you instantly become more attractive to others. It's truly the "effortless" way to attract whatever you most desire.

And it works like magic to rekindle the passion, love and intimacy in existing relationships!
To order, visit or visit your favorite online bookseller.
McGraw-Hill, July 2008; Paperback; 240 pages

101 great tips can be found in the book Coach Yourself to Success by Talane Miedaner.
Copyright © 2000 McGraw Hill 
 To order, visit

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Talane's Attraction Tip of the Week
Faye Morgan, Editor
Talane Coaching Company
1-888-4-TALANE (1-888-482-5263) or 407-628-2909

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