Talane’s Coaching Tip for the Week
More Simple Strategies for Creating an Ideal Life
Talane Miedaner, MCC
Author of the international best seller, Coach Yourself to Success (McGraw-Hill, Jan 2000) and The Secret Laws of AttractionMore Simple Strategies for Creating an Ideal Life
If you are still struggling to sketch out an ideal life, start by creating the ideal way to start and end each day. How would you like to wake up in the morning? What bedtime routine would be ideal for you? You may not have as much control during the day while in a job, but you can start moving one step closer to the ideal life by making your mornings and evenings ideal. One client envisioned an ideal morning of having freshly made coffee and hot blueberry muffins on her deck overlooking the trees in her back yard while writing in her journal. She realized this was something she didn't have to wait to implement.
Right now, my ideal morning starts when my two little girls climb into bed at 6:30 a.m. for a snuggle and then we go down to make pancakes for breakfast before walking to school. I used to write in my journal in the morning before having children, but now it is easier to do that in the evenings before I go to bed and use the journal to recap the events of the day after a nice long soak in the tub.
What is your ideal morning and evening? Start with one small change in the right direction, even if that is just to make a batch of blueberry muffins and freeze them so you can take one with you to work, that will take you one step closer to living your ideal life.
Talane Miedaner, MCC
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