Monday, 4 October 2010

More On Having Your Ideal Life!

Talane’s Coaching Tip for the Week, September 27, 2010

More on Having Your Ideal Life

Last week I mentioned that I had discovered that I was actually living my ideal life and I said I'd share with you another epiphany that I had. You may by wondering, “Geez, how could she have missed the fact that she had her ideal life? Isn't it obvious when you achieve it?” I had thought it would be, but if I hadn't written it down, I might have missed the fact that I had in fact “made it.” How is that possible? Well, when I sketched out my ideal life I was imaging all the ideal elements of it – cuddling two little kids in bed for example, but not the mad scramble to get the kids off to school and arriving late because of a lost shoe that defied all attempts to be found. Or the 2 a.m. wake ups when my three year old has had a bad dream, which wouldn't be so bad except that after I settle her back down I'm wide awake for hours after and end up slogging through the next day. So yes, while I have my ideal life, it is still a very real life with kids who get sick and break their arms and drain pipes that get clogged, etc. So there is a whole lot of maintenance even though I have lots of extra help – the gardener, the au pair, the house cleaner.

The point here is that if you don't write down your ideal life, you may miss the fact that you've actually achieved it and that would be a real shame.

Now, that wasn't actually the second epiphany although it could be. After seeing that I had achieved my vision and feeling rather jubilant for a few minutes my next thought was, “I've achieved this so now I need a whole new vision for a new ideal life! What should I create now?” I suppose that is the coach in me, thinking a new set of goals is now required. But then I realized, wait a minute. I LIKE my life and I don't want to get rid of the kids or my husband or the beach house or my international career or stop writing books. In fact, there wasn't anything I wanted take off my already rather full plate. If anything, to really perfect my life all I needed to do was add in a few hobbies. Instead of tossing my ideal life and picking a brand new one, it is time to stop striving and start enjoying what I've created. What a concept. I felt this amazing sense of peace and almost disbelief. I don't have to strive anymore? It feels a bit odd because for years I've been striving, striving, striving. Now that doesn't mean I won't ever write another book again, but I don't have to. It is a subtle, but wonderful difference. I can simply enjoy my life, my family and friends and my career. This is it! One wise coach had told me early on – you don't start really living until you stop striving. Now here is the bad news – I could have stopped striving years ago as I've had my ideal life for quite a few years now and didn't even realize it! Ha!

Now if this doesn't inspire you to take a few minutes to sketch out an ideal life right now, what will? You may be living your ideal life and not even be aware of that fact simply because you are caught up in the daily maintenance. Stop striving, start living! And the real secret is that you can do that right now, just the way your life is because the present really is perfect.



P.S. Not sure where to start? Join our wonderful community at and start creating your own ideal life. Only $1.00 for 30 days of Coach Yourself to Success Online.

Talane Miedaner, MCC

Author of the international best seller, Coach Yourself to Success (McGraw-Hill, Jan 2000) and The Secret Laws of Attraction

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