Monday 9 August 2010

Raise Your Emotional IQ Instantly.

Talane’s Coaching Tip for the Week.     More on Raising Your Emotional IQ Instantly - Part II

Now that You Have Identified Your top 4 Needs...

If you took the free Emotional Index Quiz (link to homepage) last week, then you have identified your top 4 Personal and Emotional needs. Congratulations! You are now more emotionally intelligent than the vast majority of the population who remain clueless as to their own needs. Good for you!

The next step is to start setting up systems in your life to fulfilthose needs so completely that they effectively disappear. This is how you eliminate any vestiges of neediness, which we know is unattractive. For example, one of my top four needs is to be cherished. One of the systems I have in place to fulfil this need automatically is that I have a house cleaner come once a week. When I come in and find the house immaculate without having lifted a finger, I feel cherished. It is a simple way to satisfy this basic need. Another automatic system that I have set up is a weekly massage. The therapist comes to the house and gives me a massage and then I can go right to sleep afterwards. Heavenly! I also have asked my loved ones to cherish me by telling me what they love about me. And guess what? It works! Now all my closest friends and family know what I need and fulfil my need to be cherished without me having to ask. It just took a bit of effort to ask the very first time.

To start this process, ask five people who already love you and care about you to fulfil one of those top four needs. The first person you ask is the hardest until you get over any feelings of squeamishness or embarrassment. It gets much easier when you realize it isn't the big deal you were making it out to be. Yes, the people who love and care about you, really do want to meet your needs!

Enjoy the process!

P.S.  If you want a full explanation of personal and emotional needs, get The Secret Laws of Attraction: The Effortless Way to Get the Relationship You Want. It has a full blown description of exactly what to do to meet the top twenty most commonly found personal and emotional needs. This may help you if you are struggling to think of what to ask people to do or say to satisfy your needs. To order
get The Secret Laws of Attraction, visit or your favorite online bookseller. 
P.P.S.  Stay tuned for more on how to fulfil your needs next week...

Talane Miedaner, MCC
Author of the international best seller, Coach Yourself to Success (McGraw-Hill, Jan 2000) and The Secret Laws of Attraction
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Packed with expert advice and helpful examples from her many statistical clients—as well as her own career change process—Miedaner shows how anyone can reinvent their professional life. 

Coach Yourself to a New Career: 
  • Offers a seven-step approach to career reinvention and practical advice for a smooth transition
  • Profiles everyday people who achieved career reinvention on their own terms - and what their stories can teach you
  • Shows you how to assess your needs and strengths
  • Helps you decide what tough decisions or sacrifices you may have to make
  • Prepares your spouse or family for transition

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To order, visit or visit your favorite online bookseller.

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The Secret Laws of Attraction: The Effortless Way to Get the Relationship You Want
 by Talane Miedaner, bestselling author
Use the laws of attraction to effortlessly attain your heart's desire. 
"If you don't need it, you are more likely to attract it."
 If our emotional needs are unmet, we repel what we most desire. When we've fulfilled our deepest needs--such as the need to be cherished, the need to be heard, and the need for harmony--we are naturally more attractive to our current or potential mate.

"Like Attracts Like"
When we are fully living our core values, we effortlessly attract others who share our values.

It sounds simple. The trick is learning how to apply these laws in your everyday life--and international bestselling author and noted life coach Talane Miedaner shows you how. This easy-to-follow guide provides a comprehensive quiz to help you identify your top four emotional needs and includes step-by-step instructions for meeting those needs. Once you start embracing your passion and living your dreams, you instantly become more attractive to others. It's truly the "effortless" way to attract whatever you most desire.

And it works like magic to rekindle the passion, love and intimacy in existing relationships!
To order, visit or visit your favorite online bookseller.
McGraw-Hill, July 2008; Paperback; 240 pages

101 great tips can be found in the bestselling book Coach Yourself to Success by Talane Miedaner. 
Copyright © 2000 McGraw Hill 
 To order, visit

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Talane's Attraction Tip of the Week 
Faye Morgan, Editor
Talane Coaching Company 
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